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Posted 24th April 2015

The election is just around the corner

With the election just around the corner and political campaigning everywhere you turn we thought it would be interesting to find what Operations Director Mike’s hopes are and whether he is already suffering from election fatigue!


Are you following all the coverage?

I have been following lots of it. Although there is a lot of press coverage of trivial issues I am interested in the policies and try and stay up to date with what the different parties are promising. I think the TV debates have helped increase people’s interest this year and it is good that younger people seem to be taking an interest. For too long there has been a lot of apathy surrounding politics.

Obviously the results of the election will have an impact on businesses. I’m particularly conscious of the ongoing review of umbrella companies and the issues surrounding travel and subsistence so I definitely pay attention to the policies that relate to business.

Do you enjoy the build up to an election or do you get fed up with all the leaflets, party political broadcasts and the politicians sniping at each other?

I have to admit I do get bored of all the politicians sniping at each other and the way the media obsess about things that just cloud the real issues. For example the obsession with Ed Miliband’s kitchen and things like what the party leader’s wives are wearing. It just isn’t relevant. I’m also fed up of all the leaflets that get posted through my letterbox. They just end up in the bin!

Regardless of who is elected what are the top 5 things you would like to see the next government do?

I think one of the most important things for the next government to tackle will be the skills shortage. Encouraging the take up of apprenticeships, providing funding for training in areas such as IT and construction will be key to keeping the economic recovery on track.

At Exchequer we’ve already been involved in trying to improve the understanding of umbrella companies, how we work and the benefits we offer to recruitment businesses and individual contractors. I’m hopeful that whoever is elected there will continue to be opportunities for dialogue and that common sense will prevail over travel and subsistence for contractors.

What do you think about people not bothering to vote?

I always vote and I do think people should take the time to do so. However I can understand why some people might feel that there isn’t much point.

How would you encourage people to take an interest and head to the polls on 7th May?

Gosh, I don’t know. I’ve heard that E4 aren’t broadcasting on polling day to try and encourage young people to go out and vote. I’m not convinced that will work but I suppose it is good that they are doing something. I think this year there seems to be less apathy than usual so hopefully the turnout at the polls will be good.

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